Frequently Asked Questions

What if I have Medicare?

Our monthly fee of $100/month is separate from medicare fees, but you can still see us if you have medicare. Medicare will still pay for your labs, specialist visits and I can be your primary care provider.

Do you see people over 65?

Yes, we see all ages.

Do you see children?

Yes, we see all ages. Dr. Huber is also board certified in pediatrics.

Do you contract with small businesses?

Please contact me directly for small business pricing

Do you prescribe birth control?

We do not prescribe conventional birth control at this time, however we would be excited to provide to you education on natural family planning, commonly known as NaProTechnology/Creighton method.

Do you do circumcisions?

Yes, for a separate fee.

Do you require childhood vaccinations?

Although it is not required, We do encourage them. However we don't believe you will be made to feel small if you decide to opt out - we believe that each parent must make the best decision for their child.

Is there a family discount?

2 adults + 1 child is maximum fee for one family for the 2023 year.

Will Rapha Health be a good fit for me?

Please call us so we can discuss! We love answering questions!